Thursday, June 26, 2008

Compound Interest!

Okay! Don't worry. This blog is not about banking or interest rates or anything related to that.

It's only a few hours before I realized that sorrows are like compound interest. The effect of total number of sorrows that you have is equal to the compound interest(sorrows). If a new entry for 'sorrow' comes, it won't simply get added to the previous one. It is always calculated based on the amount of sorrow already available in your mind, like compound interest, and will be stored in your mind.

I already had heaps to worry and this last one multiplied with the previous amount of sorrow and :'( and :'(.... it's more than I cannot bear with.... and I feel like screaming..... it's anger mixed with pity plus sorrow, actually.

Well, all these are simple challenges to make you better, to keep yourself always sharpened! (back to all those old ruddy words) ;)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A tribute to CV ;)

This blog proudly presents Mr. CV. One of my close friends, my photography and style GURU!

CV please do not rage at me :). I got a chance to take a few good photos of CV, on our recent trip to Ponmudi. So, I thought, I should share it with you all.

Copyright © 2008 Rangith Ramachandran